true that you can learn anything on your own. All great stars
in any category of life have teachers and coaches that bring
them to the top and keep them there.
face many times an outside perspective is just the thing we
need to excel or overcome a major issue in our lives. We need
solutions and an insightful plan to do even the hard things
in life.
you are challenged in any way in this life.
I want to help you….
you want more from this life than you currently have.
I want to help you…..
want to help take you from where you are to where you want to
get results….
I am loving heartfelt and compassionate and can be much more
ruthless than your problem. As a Grandmaster in Martial Arts
I know how to resolve conflict and to never give up on anyone
or anything. As a Spiritual/Meditation Teacher I know how to
open hearts, be compassionate and achieve peace.
As a Master Trainer in Brain/ Mind communication systems such
as NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming),
advanced Hypnosis and Mind Works I know how thought works,
belief systems are made and how to reprogram the brain.
As a certified Health practitioner (Massage, Reiki, Cranial
Sacral, Amatsu, Yoga, Junan Taiso etc.) I
understand how to integrate these changes into the body and
to align the body/mind/spirit matrix.
I have unique skills and a lifetime of experience that has helped
me bring change and transformation to thousands of lives (see
bottom of page) in
about anyway you can think. I have also changed my own life
drastically (see
bottom of page).
Let me help you with yours.
Transformation Sessions - People
to me for all different reasons.
was born with a gift…
a way
to see human patterns and to read what people need at the core
of their being to be whole again. To cultivate this gift I studied
with master teachers so that I could best utilize my gift in
helping people own themselves and their lives more fully, re-pattern
their thoughts, re-think their challenge into solutions, create
successful outcome strategies, breathe freely, and open their
heart to live as they take the steps to resolve the issues or
enhance their quality of life in a natural way.
people come to me because they have problems-
these inspiring Personal Transformation Sessions I have seen
people's lives be changed every time without exception, no matter
what the issue. And over the years I have experienced some pretty
radical situations, overcoming rape, excessive drug use, suicide
attempts, wrist cutters, broken marriages, murderers, cheating
partners (business and private), thieves that don’t
want to do that anymore, hormonal outbursts, transgender (which
sex should I be?), death of loved ones, court battles,
custody battles, self esteem, sex, weight loss, financial (no
money – sudden money),
elderly care, Illness - hurt bodies, no spiritual connection,
etc. You get the idea. If you want something changed
then let’s talk about it. You will
not get any judgment from me.
you are looking for or needing a small change of resolving a
pressing issue, or you just want to go to the Next
Level or
you want a complete radical life Paradigm Shift
then book your session and let’s get started.
only looking for people who really want to change now.
So, if a real change is what you want then I want to work with
people come to me because they just want to take their lives
to the Next Level.
you ever thought “I’m bored, there must be more
to life”? Ever just feel stuck? Ever need to just get
the life juices flowing again? Ever have that empty feeling
and wonder what my life purpose is?
a day (or two) with me doing my Creative Life Discovery process,
Mirror of Life process, Total Being spiritual practices, and
create a Dreamweaver Plan to re-energize your body, mind, spirit
and life.
Optimal Life Tune up is waiting for you. Give yourself the gift
that keeps on giving.
am perfectly open to teaching you one-on-one the
skills that I personally use to live an Optimal Life or those
I teach in the Optimal Life System. Or
whatever I have learned with about self improvement and human
transformation. We can go deep as long as it is something that
empowers your personal life.
you want to just be taken to the Next Level in your life or
you need a radical Paradigm Shift now I am here waiting to assist
you in that experience.

come to me or I go to you.
do sessions most anywhere in the world. If I must travel to
see you and if it is an emergency for us to meet and that forces
me to interrupt my schedule that will affect your investment,
above what I offer below.
people come see me in Northern California about 2 hours north
of San Francisco in the lovely Napa wine country. Your Next
or Paradigm
Shift Session
will be power packed with ideas and methods for change. You
will go away with deep life changing insights, resolutions to
your challenges, strategies for change or success, feeling better
about yourself and a whole new way of thinking. You are guaranteed
to go away with changes and a plan towards a better life.